Kelvin Steve and the story of founding Replast Engineering began in Lagos, Nigeria, where he...
Fellows’ Stories
Turning Waste into Opportunity: Lukas Jasiūnas and ecorbio’s Mission for a Greener Tomorrow
With the ambition of innovating environmental sustainability, ecorbio is a chemical engineering...
UMA: Maria Andrea Hernández’s Steadfast Pledge to Improving the Lives of Peruvian Female Artisans
“I started to study economics because I wanted to be a finance girl,” Maria Andrea Hernández...
Marine Biologist-turned-Social Entrepreneur MJ Lamoste: Empowering Women and Protecting Oceans
Mary Jane Lamoste was raised in the mountainous areas of Dauin, Negros Oriental, in the...
How Tasfia Ridhita and TransEnd Craft Are Empowering Bangladesh’s Transgender Community
Tasfia Tarannum Ridhita didn’t set out to start a business enterprise—at least, not at first. Even in the company’s beginning stages, neither she nor anyone on her team had any formal experience in entrepreneurship. But sometimes, necessity drives innovation. In...
Senior Connect: Transforming Germany’s Senior Workforce
“It all started with my grandma,” Tim Findeiss remembered, narrating the origins of Senior Connect, the platform that would soon grow to help thousands of people. His grandmother, the lead at Feindeiss’ local library, often received requests from her friends to work...
Tech Trailblazer: Empowering Girls for a Digital World
Shazadi Faiza, a tech entrepreneur from Pakistan, embarked on her journey with a clear vision: to bridge the gender gap in the tech industry through her social business. Inspired by the stark underrepresentation of women in digital marketing and technology, Shazadi...