Empowering Kids Through Drama at “Nagilchi”: Gunel İsmayılova’s Vision of Inclusion

September 28, 2023

Gunel İsmayılova always recognized the value of communication, connection, and community. With a wide range of roles in corporate settings and a focus in communications, she found passion in connecting with people. However, she felt a sense of dissatisfaction with her work–she craved meaningful change through societal improvement.

“I love talking, meeting new people. I worked in various positions,” İsmayılova said. “But I always think how to change people, how to make the society better. So I had a hobby, to teach kids drama.” Her drama classes quickly became a safe space where children could learn about themselves and each other. It provided a safe space for expression, growth, and education, especially for children with disabilities, who often felt excluded and ostracized in their own communities.
“Drama helps them to understand what they need, to talk freely and communicate easily,” İsmayılova said. “Kids with disabilities can also join us and we help them to be a part of the community with the fun way.”

Though her heart was in this work, İsmayılova spent years in a corporate job, where her desire for positive impact often clashed with a rigid environment and management. Inspired by the impact of her drama classes, she left the corporate world to focus on expanding her hobby.

“After feeling unhappy at my company, I decided to make my hobby my business. I had a manager who wasn’t able to understand his employer, because of his ego. So I started my business and it is getting better everyday,” İsmayılova said. This was the official start of Nagilchi, a place where children could truly learn and experience the importance of inclusion and community, particularly for people with disabilities. By instilling these values into children, she hopes her impact will extend over generations.

“I want to teach kids how to have a better community, so maybe after 10-15 years we will have better, happier, disability-friendly people,” İsmayılova said. “For me it was charity. But after applying to different projects and knowing new people I realized that it isn’t charity, I have a social business.”

Nagilchi blossomed from a simple hobby into a social enterprise with the potential for lasting impact. Despite the satisfaction of building this business and helping children, she also acknowledged the heavy demands of entrepreneurship. İsmayılova expressed her love for the change she could create, but acknowledges the demands of the nonstop work. She shares this advice with others: “Don’t forget to take break[s]. Be ready for the challenges.”

Her journey continues, one drama class at a time, as İsmayılova pursues her vision of a more inclusive, connected society. Through Nagilchi, Gunel İsmayılova builds not only a business but a movement, inspiring young people to see the strength in community and the importance of empathy. Her story is one of courage, transformation, and a steadfast commitment to making a better world.

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