Luisa Romero

Nationality: Colombia
Organization Name: Get Up And Go Colombia
Impact Region: LATAM
About the Social Business: It is an organization that promotes sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship, to empower communities previously affected by the armed conflict in Colombia, through activities and projects that contribute to peacebuilding and socio-economic development.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Luisa was born and raised in Cauca, a Colombian region very affected by the armed conflict. This context and the different stories of the communities, led her to focus her efforts towards generating opportunities for a positive impact in her region and country; in particular through her project Get Up And Go Colombia. Her career as a social entrepreneur has earned her several national and international recognitions such as the Young Peace Builders Award from El Nogal Foundation, the RECON Award in the category of culture of peace and human rights, young leaders of the Americas (YLAI) founded by Barack Obama. in 2015 Young Peacebuilders with Dalai Lama by the United States Institute of Peace, AFS Young Global Citizens Award and the UK Government Chevening Award.

Luisa Romero

Nationality: Colombia
Organization Name: Get Up And Go Colombia
Impact Region: LATAM
About the Social Business: It is an organization that promotes sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship, to empower communities previously affected by the armed conflict in Colombia, through activities and projects that contribute to peacebuilding and socio-economic development.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Luisa was born and raised in Cauca, a Colombian region very affected by the armed conflict. This context and the different stories of the communities, led her to focus her efforts towards generating opportunities for a positive impact in her region and country; in particular through her project Get Up And Go Colombia. Her career as a social entrepreneur has earned her several national and international recognitions such as the Young Peace Builders Award from El Nogal Foundation, the RECON Award in the category of culture of peace and human rights, young leaders of the Americas (YLAI) founded by Barack Obama. in 2015 Young Peacebuilders with Dalai Lama by the United States Institute of Peace, AFS Young Global Citizens Award and the UK Government Chevening Award.