Gabriela Delgado

Nationality: Perú
Organization Name: Juntas Peru
Impact Region: LATAM
About the Social Business: Juntas is an ally for teenagers and their emotional and comprehensive education. It is the first comprehensive sexual education platform in Peru co-designed with teenagers and with access to professionals for consultation. Juntas also develops physical products aimed at parents or caregivers so that they can guide conversations around the well-being of their children and create spaces of trust.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Gabriela grew up in the city of Lima and studied international business at the Universidad del Pacífico. His grandfather was a teacher and he always transmitted his passion for teaching and education. In 2019, together with Maria José Tamayo, she co-founded Juntas. The purpose is to fill the void of comprehensive sexuality education for teenagers, co-designing solutions with them and empathizing with the different actors.

Gabriela Delgado

Nationality: Perú
Organization Name: Juntas Peru
Impact Region: LATAM
About the Social Business: Juntas is an ally for teenagers and their emotional and comprehensive education. It is the first comprehensive sexual education platform in Peru co-designed with teenagers and with access to professionals for consultation. Juntas also develops physical products aimed at parents or caregivers so that they can guide conversations around the well-being of their children and create spaces of trust.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Gabriela grew up in the city of Lima and studied international business at the Universidad del Pacífico. His grandfather was a teacher and he always transmitted his passion for teaching and education. In 2019, together with Maria José Tamayo, she co-founded Juntas. The purpose is to fill the void of comprehensive sexuality education for teenagers, co-designing solutions with them and empathizing with the different actors.