Deepak Ashwani
Nationality: India
Organization Name: India
Impact Region: India
About the Social Business: Currently, about 3 billion people in developing countries still use traditional fuels in open fires for cooking and heating such as firewood, charcoal and animal dung – the way it has been practiced since we discovered fire. Deadly smoke from open cooking fire kills 8 people every minute (4.3 million per year) globally, which is more than AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis deaths combined.
Dazin provides both sustainable fuel and cookstoves for households to save lives, reduce carbon emissions, and help people out of poverty in Bhutan. The social venture mission is to eliminate Household Air Pollution from cooking fuel usage in Bhutan.
Through a circular economy based solution, Dazin provides free fuel cookies and free smokeless stoves in exchange to those rural households supplying free forestry wood waste to us. This waste is densified into fuel cookies in a local factory. Due to the efficiency of our Fuel + Stove system, we produce an excess of fuel cookies compared to the wood waste provided. These surplus fuel cookies are sold in cities to offset the free services in rural areas and expand our impact to new areas.
Working on business modeling according to local situations to deal with the issues of supply chain management of biomass resources to use them in efficient manner. Dazin's work includes: Local biomass residues availability and production; platform development for the collection of fuel; biomass densification in the form of briquettes or pellets; sddressing the issues of cooking energy poverty and selection of gasifiying stoves according to local condition.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Deepak Ashwani is from Bhutan and the founder of Dazin and Edible Forest. He believes the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. He is driven to work in areas which enhances collective welfare of every being.
Deepak Ashwani
Nationality: India
Organization Name: India
Impact Region: India
About the Social Business: Currently, about 3 billion people in developing countries still use traditional fuels in open fires for cooking and heating such as firewood, charcoal and animal dung – the way it has been practiced since we discovered fire. Deadly smoke from open cooking fire kills 8 people every minute (4.3 million per year) globally, which is more than AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis deaths combined.
Dazin provides both sustainable fuel and cookstoves for households to save lives, reduce carbon emissions, and help people out of poverty in Bhutan. The social venture mission is to eliminate Household Air Pollution from cooking fuel usage in Bhutan.
Through a circular economy based solution, Dazin provides free fuel cookies and free smokeless stoves in exchange to those rural households supplying free forestry wood waste to us. This waste is densified into fuel cookies in a local factory. Due to the efficiency of our Fuel + Stove system, we produce an excess of fuel cookies compared to the wood waste provided. These surplus fuel cookies are sold in cities to offset the free services in rural areas and expand our impact to new areas.
Working on business modeling according to local situations to deal with the issues of supply chain management of biomass resources to use them in efficient manner. Dazin's work includes: Local biomass residues availability and production; platform development for the collection of fuel; biomass densification in the form of briquettes or pellets; sddressing the issues of cooking energy poverty and selection of gasifiying stoves according to local condition.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Deepak Ashwani is from Bhutan and the founder of Dazin and Edible Forest. He believes the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. He is driven to work in areas which enhances collective welfare of every being.