Karim Dawood
Nacionalidad: Egypt
Nombre de la Organización: InterAct
Región de Impacto: Northern Africa
Sobre el Negocio Social: InterAc labs is an Edu-tech startup working on developing hardware and software solutions to enhance education environment.
Sobre el Y&Y Fellow: A Value driven Learner, passionate about learning & innovative solutions with social impact, Karim spent his last seven years designing and building startups, products/ solutions & volunteering initiatives. His engineering and business background, in addition to Entrepreneurial sprite, helped him to build two startups, join 3 volunteering jobs, win +8 awards , visit 8 countries and build a wide network.
Karim Dawood
Nacionalidad: Egypt
Nombre de la Organización: InterAct
Región de Impacto: Northern Africa
Sobre el Negocio Social: InterAc labs is an Edu-tech startup working on developing hardware and software solutions to enhance education environment.
Sobre el Y&Y Fellow: A Value driven Learner, passionate about learning & innovative solutions with social impact, Karim spent his last seven years designing and building startups, products/ solutions & volunteering initiatives. His engineering and business background, in addition to Entrepreneurial sprite, helped him to build two startups, join 3 volunteering jobs, win +8 awards , visit 8 countries and build a wide network.