Gustavo Torres and João Victor Araújo Costa

Nacionalidad: Brazil
Nombre de la Organización: Descobrindo o Sonho Jovem
Región de Impacto: South America
Sobre el Negocio Social: Gustavo and João envision a generation of young people fully aware of their potential and the way they can harness it to build their dream career. They created Descobrindo o Sonho Jovem (DSJ), which develops self-awareness and proactivity among young people in Brazilian communities (favelas). So far, the woek of DSJ has implemented a series of 10 workshops at the end of which participants had a portfolio of their lives and what they wanted for their future, impacting more than 100 teenagers. DSJ was also introduced at the BRICS Forum in 2015.

Gustavo Torres and João Victor Araújo Costa

Nacionalidad: Brazil
Nombre de la Organización: Descobrindo o Sonho Jovem
Región de Impacto: South America
Sobre el Negocio Social: Gustavo and João envision a generation of young people fully aware of their potential and the way they can harness it to build their dream career. They created Descobrindo o Sonho Jovem (DSJ), which develops self-awareness and proactivity among young people in Brazilian communities (favelas). So far, the woek of DSJ has implemented a series of 10 workshops at the end of which participants had a portfolio of their lives and what they wanted for their future, impacting more than 100 teenagers. DSJ was also introduced at the BRICS Forum in 2015.