Corina Angelescu

Nacionalidad: Romania
Nombre de la Organización: The Alternative University
Región de Impacto: Eastern Europe
Sobre el Negocio Social: The Alternative University is a learning community in Bucharest, Romania, that offers a student-centered educational model for students – as an alternative to the traditional approach. Through challenge-based and self-directed learning, The Alternative University connects young people who wish to discover themselves and to contribute to the society with professionals, learning opportunities and resources.
Sobre el Y&Y Fellow: Corina Angelescu is from Romania and is a founder at The Alternative University. She is a Social Entrepreneruship Enthusiast at the Social Impact Award, and is skilled in teamwork, human resources and leadership development.

Corina Angelescu

Nacionalidad: Romania
Nombre de la Organización: The Alternative University
Región de Impacto: Eastern Europe
Sobre el Negocio Social: The Alternative University is a learning community in Bucharest, Romania, that offers a student-centered educational model for students – as an alternative to the traditional approach. Through challenge-based and self-directed learning, The Alternative University connects young people who wish to discover themselves and to contribute to the society with professionals, learning opportunities and resources.
Sobre el Y&Y Fellow: Corina Angelescu is from Romania and is a founder at The Alternative University. She is a Social Entrepreneruship Enthusiast at the Social Impact Award, and is skilled in teamwork, human resources and leadership development.