Igor Marinelli

Nationality: Brazil
Organization Name: Somos Todos Heróis
Impact Region: South America
About the Social Business: Somos Todos Heróis is a crowdfunding platform exclusively geared towards social actions. It helps Brazilian children with serious health problems who need urgent medical treatment by connecting people who are willing to help those children through donations and encouraging the culture of giving and social responsibility in its community. Its goal is to accomplish this in a playful way, bringing to the platform the theme of superheroes, which stirs up many memories of adults and, at the same time, inspires children to think about socially responsible actions since their youth.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Igor studied at the University of California, Berkeley, where he intersected Computer Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Technology. He is the Founder of Tractian, an Industrial AI startup, focused on unlocking new operational efficiencies by making decisions based on predictive insights. Also, he is the Founder and Board Member of STH.org.br, a digital NGO with a gamified approach to help Brazilian children who need medical treatments and surgeries, where he has been Presiding and Directing the Product Development over the last 3 years.

Igor Marinelli

Nationality: Brazil
Organization Name: Somos Todos Heróis
Impact Region: South America
About the Social Business: Somos Todos Heróis is a crowdfunding platform exclusively geared towards social actions. It helps Brazilian children with serious health problems who need urgent medical treatment by connecting people who are willing to help those children through donations and encouraging the culture of giving and social responsibility in its community. Its goal is to accomplish this in a playful way, bringing to the platform the theme of superheroes, which stirs up many memories of adults and, at the same time, inspires children to think about socially responsible actions since their youth.
About the Y&Y Fellow: Igor studied at the University of California, Berkeley, where he intersected Computer Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Technology. He is the Founder of Tractian, an Industrial AI startup, focused on unlocking new operational efficiencies by making decisions based on predictive insights. Also, he is the Founder and Board Member of STH.org.br, a digital NGO with a gamified approach to help Brazilian children who need medical treatments and surgeries, where he has been Presiding and Directing the Product Development over the last 3 years.